Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of year, and there’s a reason for that - it works! Although acupuncture has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries, it is only in recent years that Western medicine has finally begun to understand the benefits and potential. The science now supports the efficacy of acupuncture as a highly effective treatment for chronic and acute pain, anxiety and stress, fatigue, insomnia, digestion, and digestion.
Reduces Anxiety & Stress
Anxiety and stress impacts millions of people, and for many, leads to other issues like fatigue, depression, headaches, insomnia, mood issues, chest pain, stomach issues, frequent colds and infections, loss of sexual desire, and more. The good news: acupuncture can help!
Clinical research has found that acupuncture can balance blood hormone levels, significantly lowering levels of peptides that induce anxiety and stress. Research has also found that acupuncture positively impacts neuronal and brain activity such that the limbic system actually shuts down stress regions in the brain. Acupuncture has also been found to promote balance in the nervous system, and can help people struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, mood, insomnia, and fatigue.
Boost Energy and Combat Fatigue
Many people struggle with chronic fatigue, which can be the result any number of underlying health issues including immune system issues, viral infections, vitamin deficiencies, hormone imbalances, mood issues, and autoimmune issues. Regardless of the underlying cause of your fatigue, scientific research has found that acupuncture may help address it.
Pain Management
Nearly 1/3 of adults in the United States struggle with chronic pain. Worldwide over 1.5 billion people are impacted by chronic pain. Pain can have a major impact on quality of life, and the traditional treatments are often not enough. Worse yet, standard pain treatments often come with negative side effects. In particular, opiates and other pharmaceutical pain relievers can cause irritability, anxiety, drowsiness, nausea, and other issues. Many pain medications are addictive, and in some cases have led to severe issues, and even death.
Acupuncture provides a natural alternative to dangerous pain medications, as it naturally boosts the body’s production of pain killing chemicals, including endorphins and neuropeptides. In fact, acupuncture is now recommended by the FDA as a method of pain relief prior to the use of painkillers. In addition to being used to treat pain for centuries, research has found acupuncture to be “an effective and safe form of treatment for many forms of chronic and acute pain,” with as many as 85% of chronic pain patients reporting relief after getting acupuncture treatment.
Like pain medications, sleeping aids also have many potentially negative and even dangerous side effects. This is particular worrisome since sleep aids are among the most common medications a person can find, and many people struggle with sleep issues. Thankfully, research has found acupuncture tp be an effective option for promoting restful sleep.
Acupuncture balances the production of chemicals that impact sleep as well as tension, pain and mood including melatonin, serotonin, and endorphins. Clinical studies done on thousands of patients have noted marked improvements in sleep, with the majority of participants reporting an increase of up to three hours per night thanks to acupuncture.
Improves Digestion
“All disease begins in the gut.” -Hippocrates
An estimated 70% of Americans experience regular gastrointestinal issues. For those struggling with indigestion, blasting, and other digestive issues, research recognizes acupuncture as a viable treatment. One clinical study found that acupuncture was actually more effective than antacids at resolving digestive symptoms in the study’s participants.
In holistic medicine, the body is viewed as a whole when addressing disease, and also considers someone’s lifetime exposure to toxins, stress, and trauma. At Pink Heart, we also recognize that each person is unique and requires a custom approach to address areas of concern. This may include acupuncture, cupping, herbal supplements, and/or other recommendations to fully support your body coming into proper balance. If you’re struggling with health issues, book an appointment at our Pink Heart Acupuncture and More clinic now!