Acupuncture for Foot Pain Relief
Foot pain comes in many different forms. The most common types are plantar fasciitis, heel pain, bunions, inflamed Achilles tendons, and arthritis.
Plantar Fasciitis
The plantar fascia is a connective tissue that runs along the arch of the foot. The plantar fascia runs from the bottom of the heel to the base of the toes. The tissue acts like the bow string on a bow to keep the arch taught and provide great shock absorption.
Currently, there are many different methods to treat plantar fasciitis. Tape therapy, lifts using insoles, cold compress, hot compress, stabilization by boots or bands, steroid injections, and pain killers are just a few of the treatment options. None of these methods are effective for serious cases. These treatments are applied for temporary relief by doctors, therapists, or by therapeutic devices. Although the initial inflammation takes time to heal, occasional cases of plantar fasciitis may resolve on their own. But most cases require anywhere from months to years to treat.
Conventional medicine and Dr. Thao agree that overuse of the tissue leads to plantar fasciitis. More specifically, Dr. Thao compares the plantar fascia to a non-elastic string on a bow. Each time a person tries to shoot an arrow, he or she will pull on the non-elastic string, which causes tremendous stress at the point where the string is attached to the bow. The non-elastic string will also wear out or tear with every pull. And like the inflexible string, the plantar fascia will get inflamed from too much use.
But plantar fasciitis sufferers should not fear, Dr. Thao has discovered an easy treatment. He works to fix the bow and help the bow string relax. The treatment also restores the natural flexibility of the plantar fascia. With treatment, the pain rapidly disappears over 99 percent of the time. Typical cases show plantar fasciitis getting well in a week if the sufferer is treated every day in our clinic. Many people will experience relief after their very first treatment.
Heel Pain
Heel pain is often caused by plantar fasciitis, bone spurs, or fibula misalignment. The treatment options for heel pain are discussed in the following paragraphs.
Plantar fasciitis treatment has been described above.
Bone Spur
When bone loss occurs, bones get very weak and brittle. The brain notices the problem and tries to correct the bone loss by depositing calcium in one area, creating a bone spur. The arteries redirect extra calcium to the area to build the bone spur.
If the body is able to re-strengthen the bones, the veins will begin carrying the extra calcium away from the bone spur. The pain and stiffness will disappear. Strengthening the bones is a very effective method of removing bone spurs. At the clinic, we help patients strengthen their bones by providing herbal remedies, proper exercise techniques, and vitamin D supplements. We also work with our patients to improve whole-body circulation and normalize parathyroid function with acupuncture.
Fibula Misalignment
The last type of heel pain comes from fibula misalignment. An unstable ankle joint causes the misalignment, which leads to intense heel pain. This condition is rare, but there are cases. To treat fibula misalignment, Dr. Thao will properly align the fibula and stabilize the bone to maintain the corrected alignment.
A bunion is a growth on the big toe that periodically causes pain. The condition is caused by subluxation on the ankle joint. Subluxation is a slight dislocation of a body part. In the case of bunions, the ankle joint is misaligned, which causes stiffness on the big toe. Excess calcium builds up around the stiffened area. When the bunion is small- to medium-sized, it can be corrected at our clinic. With treatment, the joint can be returned to its normal flexibility. However, if the bunion is large, then surgery is recommended. After the condition is corrected, we recommend comfortable shoes to protect the area.
Conventional medicine often equates arthritis with a weakened immune system. However, the root cause as determined by Dr. Thao is poor blood circulation. If arthritis exists throughout the body, the problem likely originates at the heart. Localized arthritis is often due to a local injury, misalignment, or poor circulation to that area.
There are two reasons inflammation will occur at the joint. First, fresh oxygenated blood may not be reaching the joint due to local area factors. Second, weak blood pressure may be preventing the red blood cells from passing through the capillaries into the area, causing stagnation. In either case, the affected area requires improved circulation in order to treat arthritis properly.
Rheumatoid arthritis is typically due to heart function. We, at Dr. Thao's clinic, can assist you with improving the functioning of your heart.
Sprained Ankle
If it is a minor foot sprain, patient walks out without pain or limping from the first treatment. We highly recommend acupuncture treatment to get well from sports injuries.
Pink Heart Acupuncture & More Reviews
“Thao is a master at relieving pain and getting the vital energy moving in the right direction. Just make an appointment. You won’t be sorry!” – Gaia G., 5 Star Google Review
“I was skeptical of acupuncture until I tried Pink Heart. Wonderful work!! Less pain!! Highly recommend!!” Banks H., 5 Star Google Review
In holistic medicine, the body is viewed as a whole when addressing disease, and also considers someone’s lifetime exposure to toxins, stress, and trauma. At Pink Heart, we also recognize that each person is unique and requires a custom approach to address areas of concern. This may include acupuncture, cupping, herbal supplements, and/or other recommendations to fully support your body coming into proper balance. If you’re struggling with health issues, book an appointment at our Orlando Acupuncture Clinic now!